Saturday, April 16, 2011

So.. So... So.. & So On :-|

Hi Folks,

It's been a week since i have been online for my personal use, After so many days checking all social networking profiles n emails properly.

It's been a most busiest week in past couple of months, Stuck in middle of Job, This is My Daily routine - Leave home early before 9 to reach at office by 9.20 then whole day doing office stuff n work, Facing coding errors n logic problems at the end of day So have to work overtime for about 1 hour. So i leave office by 7.30 n after struggling in A'bad traffic n Pollution reach at home about 8.00 then get freshen up n take a dinner with family n then going to bed about 10.30 or 11.00 & again waking up early in the morning at 6.30 or 7.00. This schedule continued for whole week but now i am fed up. I am leaving the Job and definitely trying.. ooh no not trying going with go n get attitude at Indian Army SSB and i am gonna do my 200% to clear this SSB Interview.

So i am Thanking all at IndiaNIC who supported n helped me in my 1 week Job period, But i am done here with Regular (9.30 to 7.30-8.00) White collar Job & Indian Army i am coming.


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