Sunday, April 29, 2012

Entrepreneurship within me!


Back here on Blog after a long time.
Hope everyone is enjoying IPL Season and The Avengers recently. J

Just to give you heads up, I challenged my luck and started my own venture. Taken an Office space in Prahlad Nagar, Ahmedabad.

In past few days after becoming entrepreneur, I met quite a kind of peoples.
Type of peoples I have met…
  1. Who says NO to things at very first instance
  2. Who says NO after hearing all your story
  3. Who says YES we can
  4. Who says YES we should try
  5. Who doesn’t even bother to respond

All this have their own stands, own positive and negative effects.
Currently I am on my learning curve, learnt a lot in last 1 month.

By this I was thinking that what the upper management is doing all the time, they have people under them to do all their work. Now as a Manager I understood that management is  responsible for whole and sole of company. I am reading some internet articles on management and how to get more productive, Still can not say I am a good Manager but some day!!

- Sahil Madhu 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Back after a very looooong time!

Hello Amigos, I have been kind of suffering from very tight schedule from past couple of months.. So not getting time to post anything here.

Well it's Sunday and unfortunately (in fact fortunately :) and I am happy), today I don't have any work to do... 2 Projects are in pipeline (don't know when they will start :( ), 1 is about to start and 1 is about to complete [hopefully ;) ].. So this time I am quite relaxed and very much enjoying weekend.

There are few good things happening around with people around me and with my friends... They are also enjoying moments and My special congrats & best of luck to my buddy Serish... This one is for you...  Life is a "Quasi-static" Process, So do take care my Friend. :)

So guys see you then... Ttyl... Bye and Enjoy weekend! :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

So I am Back and Better..

Hi Everyone,

So i appeared for the SSB, gone very good through the first 3 Tests but couldn't impress Interviewer in the GD so i Screened out from the SSB. But it was a very good experience foe me and specially after the journey that i have gone through i can say clearing the first test is a big thing for me. ;-)

So my journey was like this... It's been a hectic weekend for me. As i have to Travel through Bus from A'bad to Bhopal. On paper it shows only 12 hours of run but the reality is far more different then this. As i was travelling through Travel Agency it was quite sure that my journey would be very much rough but i haven't expected my Bus Break down n other issues abt the Bus Driver. The things happened like this. We started our Bus journey at 11 PM in the Night.. the driver told me that they will reach Bhopal till morning 11-12 Noon. We were happy that we will reach Bhopal early so that we can roam around there and find something for ourselves but all my thinkings and possibilities went wrong and we reached Indore at 3 PM & Still we have to travel abt 7 hours for Bhopal. We were totally exhausted, totally f*cked up our mind were completely out of control. We even though of going home from Indore Station but we thought that we have traveled a lot so why not give SSB a try. So for the sake of our Travelling we traveled more 7 hours and reached Bhopal by 12 at Midnight. Then we found one Hotel near Railway Station then had dinned abt 12.30. After dinner we directly went to our Room get ourselves cleaned.. Took a bath n tried to sleep but we have to report at morning 6 so we only have 3 hour to Sleep or take rest.

So we done everything that we can to rest our body n mind.. and in the morning we again got up n got ready for Reporting at Army. They were very punctual abt their timings they picked up from the railway station n reached Service Selection Central (Bhopal) abt 7 in the morning.

Then they utilized every single minute of out time and got the maximum out of it.

First they checked our Documents n they Asked us for filling Identification form n then they took our attendance and gave brief introduction abt SSB Bhopal n Selection Procedure. After that they gave us Chest Number to Wear n sent us for Breakfast. It all happened in just 2 hours of Time. Then After Breakfast we were asked to seat in the Hall for further instructions and Tests. All the Written Test were held in the Hall n all that happened in Just 1 Hour. I did very good in the Written Tests. So i was quite confident that i will make through this. Then they gave us second form for our Personal Information. We had to complete that form in just 4 minutes n as you all know Army is very good in managing time n people. I completed form in abt 3 minutes n was sitting nicely n quietly.

After that another speaker came and gave us instruction abt 3rd test that was going to be held in next 5 minutes. It was a Picture Perception Test. We all were shown a Picture on the Screen for 30 Seconds, then we have to write a Story on that Picture for abt 4 Minutes n Specially we have to mention abt the Action going on in the Picture. I wrote a very good story abt the Girl who wants be a M.S. but couldn't finish the Story in Time. :-(

Then we all were asked to come out in the field for Group Discussion n Story Telling. We were 17 Peoples in the Group n my Chest Number was 7. We were interviewed by 3 Officers on both the parts. First part was Story Telling n Second part was GD. The moment when this test started it all collapsed for me. :'( :-(

I couldn't do well in this task so i have got a feeling that i am gonna Eliminate in this round. But somewhere down all this feeling i was feeling positive that "What if, I get selected... Probably they will select me.." but as possibilities always goes wrong with me.. I was Eliminated from that point. So my Journey was over at that point.

But at the time when were leaving the Army Campus my eyes found something positive.. It was a Sentence written over the Exit Door. "Always a Winner" So i feel that life doesn't end here at SSB. I have to go far away from this. So this was a very good experience for me even after my hectic tiring journey, shady room to stay at hotel and much more wrost things on the road.

So everyone I am Back n Better.. feeling great with +ve Attitude.

So Cheers.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Good times.. :-)

So Hi Everyone, Looks like All are having a good time. Some of my friends going abroad on Vacation, some are enjoying Vacation at Office. So I can say this month is Good for everyone.

Okay, Now coming to my Profile... I am gonna miss my Planned Vacation with my Family... :-( ... B'coz of this SSB Interview.

But No Worries.. I will find something better.

Well i am much excited and bit nervous about the Interview but I will be Off to Bhopal Tomorrow Night.. So Checking things that i have to keep with my self..

  • Formal Clothes - Check
  • Shorts n White T-Shirts - Check
  • Alertness - Check
  • Concentration - Check
  • & Last but not least, Positive Attitude - Also Check
So Now Signing off from my Thought Processes n Logics.. & Hopefully hope that I will Clear SSB.

So guys Alligator.... Pray for me and Wish me Luck I better need that... & Insaah Allah Will See you Soon with Lieutenant Badge On my Shoulders. :-)


Friday, April 22, 2011

Types of Defense Salutes

Hi There,

So here i am preparing for Indian Army SSB. Recently i found that there are 3 different typ
es of Salutes in Defense Services of India. Like Indian Army, Indian Navy & Indian AirForce.

I found this new n interesting so i am sharing it here.

1) Indian Army Salute

So This is the Salute that Every Indian Army Personnel does at the time of Parade n in front of every senior officer.

2) Indian Navy Salute

Indian Navy Commander Saluting to Senior Person.

3) Indian Air Force Salute

So this is the Final one The Airforce Personnel Salute.

So Guys you found any Difference from this photo or Not?

So Cheers.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One good thing led to another.. :)

So Folks Hows u?

Seems like the Temperature in Ahmedabad is going Up n Up. The Last time when i checked temperature it was nearly 35-36 Degrees n It was quite bearable but as change is the universal rule.. now Ahmedabad is going mad in average of 42-43 Degrees n believe me it's even worst in Noons n it's gonna get even worst then this.

But anyways i was here to let all of you know about some seeds that i have planted very long time ago are now giving fruits n Soon they will show me a way to a great Career.

The things happened like this.. Before 6-8 months i got know about the field Business Intelligence via one of my Close friend, So i started researching on that field, inquired through some friends also n i found some good contacts at that time.. We asked them to guide us through that n train us for Job.. But at that time they were busy with their work n hectic schedules of Work Delivery so it was all washed away.. But now as i was in some regular contact with the Person who has got vast amount of Experience in this field n was thinking of giving me training of BI at that time (but it was not possible for him to spend some time after me..) Is now giving me the material for the BI n will guide me through any queries or problems.

So going to get material from him today in the evening & will start preparing from material very soon.. if i dont get Selected in Indian Army SSB, But i think i wont need that material as i am going to crack SSB at it's Best. So It's just an Option i guess.. But you never know when you need someone someday, So just keeping this Material n will be after this if.. if n only if.. i couldn't Clear SSB. So guys n girls wish me luck. I need it more.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Resigned from Job.. Good or Bad??

Hey Everyone,

I resigned from Job today but i am still confused about "What i did was wrong or Will everything be in my favor or What happens if i go wrong?". This are some questions currently banging my head. I am aware that IndiaNIC is very good company n it has a reputation to stand for but i was not sure about what i want from company or Whatever the things are i dont know, maybe i was not prepared for that Job or may be it was quite early or maybe... i dont know.. But at the end of the day i am feeling like a "khulla sand". No Tension, no worries, no workload nothing just enjoying this most precious moments that i got after one hectic week.

So whatever i did was right n i am definitely getting better then this, So kicking my worries n problems behind n moving forward to my next GOAL n that is Clearing the Indian Army SSB Interview.

And By the way today i show promo of Salman's new movie "Ready" n one dialogue that instantly stuck in my head that is "Zindagi me 3 chiz kabhi under estimate mat karna 'I', 'Me' & 'Myself''. "

So Cheers.